Friday, April 1, 2016

Home Remedies for Cold and Cough during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an unknown phase in the life of any woman. Although experiencing many forms that are new to the womanhood, it is evenly essential to take good care of woman health. During the sixth month of pregnancy, you complete the second trimester & enter the critical third quarter. Be careful to keep the baby safe through that period. Since you are giving a new life in your womb, the body does to suppress the immune system to a particular level to keep the baby safe.
It would put you at risk of specific infections like urinary tract infections, fungal infections, cough, and cold. A cough & cold are the most common health problem that pregnant woman face. If you admire how to treat a cough and cold during pregnancy, go for simple home remedies. Taking cold and cough medicine for pregnancy can challenge the pregnancy with several side effects. Also, remember not to try any self-medication as this would harm the child. Simple remedies may take relatively more time to solve a cough and cold. But, you can be sure that you and the child are on the safe side. Here, let us discuss some methods to treat cold and cough during pregnancy.

Take Rest

Cold and cough during pregnancy can be a very stressful situation, particularly if you are a working woman. But, it is sufficient to give some time for your body to repair itself. Take rest and stay apart from activities that strain the body.

Gargle With Salt Water

A sore throat that comes along with the cold can treat by rinsing salt water. Add salt to warm water & use this to relieve your scratchy throat. Gargle at least three times per day for the right result. One can also add garlic cloves to the warm water.

Home Remedies for Cough and Cold during PregnancySaline Nasal Drops

Nasal congestion is a frequent problem connected with the cold. You can try saline nasal drops for opening the airways. It is a safe choice, and you can ensure that the baby has not injured. Try this if you are worried about how to treat a cough and cold during pregnancy.


Steaming is an efficient and the most commonly prescribed method to treat the nasal blockage. But, remember that adding any medicines to the water can change the effect. So, nevermore add anything to the water for steaming without the permission of a doctor.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is the first choice when it comes to treating cough and cold during pregnancy. It is very efficient for the common cold and would make you feel better within 3 or 4 days. If you admire how to treat a cough and cold during pregnancy, try ginger tea.


Honey is an all time ideal for treating cough & sore throat. Either you can take one teaspoon of honey directly, or you can add honey to the tea. Making honey & lemon concurrently is also an excellent solution for a cough and cold during pregnancy.


If you are pondering how to treat a cough and cold during pregnancy, try this peppermint. It is one of the methods to treat cold and cough during pregnancy. Menthol in peppermint would act on the throat & relieve a cough. Stay healthy and enjoy the pregnancy.source---healthnews

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