Thursday, March 17, 2016

4 unusual risk factors of heart diseases in women

heart disease women
‘The incidence of heart disease has shown a two to three-fold increase in the past decade. With around 3 – 5% women at risk of heart disease in the year 2000–2010, the current statistics indicate that around 12- 15% women are at risk of the same,’ says Dr Nilesh Gautam, Head of the Department of preventive cardiology and rehabilitation at Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai. Although factors like smoking, stress and lack of physical activity are common factors that increase the risk of heart disease, other factors like late pregnancy, erratic work schedules and hormonal problems can put you at risk too. Here’s what you need to know.
#1 Late pregnancy
You might be at a high risk of heart disease if you get pregnant after 40. According to Dr Gautam, as you age, the endothelial cells (cells lining the blood vessels) degrade slowly. The endothelial dysfunction causes the arteries to become stiff, which leads to high blood pressure. This can worsen if you have high cholesterol, as that also thickens the blood, which causes an excessive build-up of plaque in the arteries, leading to arterial blockage. It can also put you at risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension, which is also a risk factor for heart disease.
#2 Working in shifts
If you work in a BPO or call centre, which usually includes working in shifts, it’s high time you think about your heart health. Working late nights as well as in shifts can increase your risk of heart diseases. It not only affects the sleep pattern but also shifts the circadian rhythm (body clock), which increase the level of stress hormones. Also, lack of sleep and constant exposure to stress stimulates production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which damages blood vessels, leading to cholesterol deposition on the walls of arteries.
#3 Endocrine problems
Currently, even women in their 20s and 30s are suffering from heart diseases. Although lack of active lifestyle is the key reason, endocrinal problems like thyroid imbalance and type 1 diabetes puts you at a risk of cardiac arrest and heart diseases. Also adrenal gland tumour, which increases the section of adrenaline hormone, leads to abnormal heart rhythm, further worsening your heart health.
#4 Supplements
Be it pregnant or menopausal women, doctors usually recommend intake of calcium supplements. This is because the risk of calcium loss from body increases with age, thereby making it important to include calcium  supplements in your diet. However, excessive intake of calcium supplements causes stiffening of arteries due to deposition of calcium, increasing pressure in the arteries. Not only this, hypervitaminosis, excessive intake of vitamin A and vitamin E, increase your risk of heart diseases by increasing blood pressure and cardiac abnormalities.
If ignored, this can lead to heart attack and other life-threatening conditions like paralytic shock due to increased blood pressure and diabetic ketoacidosis due to high levels of glucose in the blood. Here are some expert tips to lower your risk of heart diseases:
  • Never take supplements without a doctor’s reccomendation.
  • Keep your blood pressure and blood glucose in check by monitoring it every six months.
  • Say no to smoking — active as well as passive – as both increase the risk of heart diseases.
  • Walk for 30 minutes five times a week and follow yoga and meditation regimen two to three times a week to improve heart function.
  • Regular follow-up with a doctor is a must as it helps you to keep a tab on your heart health and monitor any complications.  source   "thehealthsite"

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