Thursday, March 17, 2016

Yes, you can manage a second pregnancy with a toddler and keep your calm Worried about running after a toddler during pregnancy? Here's some help.

pregnancy with a toddler
Managing a pregnancy while trying to chase a toddler can be a daunting task. Handling morning sickness and other issues in the first trimester and cleaning or taking care of the toddler is definitely stressful. But many mothers have done or are doing this without complaining. Does it make you wonder how? All it needs is a little planning and prioritising to make life easier. Here are some suggestions on how to handle your second pregnancy and what is the right time to plan a second child. (Read: Want a second baby but unable to conceive? Know the causes)
Whenever both partners are ready is the right time to plan a second baby, says Dr. Ragini Agarwal, Clinical Director, Obstetrics and Gynaecology at W- Hospital by Pratiksha. However, it is important that you maintain at least 12-18 months gap between two children as the body needs this time to recover and replenish all the nutrients.
You know your body is ready for pregnancy again when,
  • You do not feel tired or fatigued frequently..
  • You do not suffer from any vitamin deficiency.
  • Your haemoglobin levels are optimum and you are not anaemic.
Other things that may influence your decision are your mental health, a possibility of a break from work in case you are employed, financial status, family support and health of your first child. If you think all this is in your favour, planning a second child will not be difficult.
Tips to handle second pregnancy and the toddler
Plan in advance: Planning is the key to solving most problems. If you have observed that mornings take a toll on you, try finishing some of the jobs the previous night. Pre-prepare for things so that you don’t have to rush the next day. If your child goes to play school, you might want to keep their bags packed or water bottles filled and clothes ready the previous night.
Don’t try to be the best: Women want to achieve perfection and full grades in whatever they do. They want to be the best cook, best mother, wife, and keep the house in perfect shape. It’s time to slow down. The world won’t fall apart if you change the sheets on monday instead of sunday. Your body needs rest and attention. So prioritise. Here’s how you can manage breastfeeding both your toddler and newborn together.
Train your toddler: If you are planning a second child soon after the first arrives, train your baby. Ensure that your child learns to play by himself and not cling to the mother every minute. Practiced leaving him with a bottle of milk by the age of one so that he is fed even iof the mother isn’t available. Engage them in activities like inflating a small pool and filling it with toys and let the child play. This way the baby learns to play with the toys within the pool and you won’t have to run around the entire house collecting toys. Train your toddler to brush with these easy steps.
Take help: Assign tasks to everyone at home. Your spouse is going to be of great help, provided you ask him for it. If you are lucky to have good domestic help, she might take care of the child and help you with cooking and other chores. You must understand that you cannot get everything done by yourself. So don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends or family. You may ask your mother or mother-in-law to come in for a few days, if that is possible. This will give you enough time for rest and completing other chores. You can also try these tips to make your toddler eat. source   "thehealthsite."

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