Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday 5: Top 5 Stories of the Week

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Did you know that “Healthcare Forecast Predicts 1 in 10 Will Have Diabetes by 2030”? Trends in healthcare have allowed experts to extrapolate future health statistics, and this is a frightening one. Currently 348 million people are suffering from diabetes around the world, and that figure will grow in the next two decades to 700 million. The growing obesity epidemic is partially to blame for this statistic. Amazingly, just a little effort at weight loss can go a long way. According to recent reports, if the U.S. population would just collectively lose about two pounds, more than 2 million cases of diabetes could be prevented.
Gravity takes a toll on our bodies and building a strong core can help posture, keep our spine in a natural curved position, and prevent back pain. Fitness expert Jennifer Gianni takes you through Pilates Upper Back Strengtheners,” to help avoid potential back problems. We’ll have two more installment of this Pilates series on the upper back coming next week. Don’t miss them!
There just may be an epidemic of sleep-deprived women in America, given the traffic to our story, Women Suffering from Sleep Problems Face Triple the Risk of Fibromyalgia.”   Results of a Norwegian study indicate that the more frequently a woman experiences sleep disturbances and insomnia, the greater the likelihood she will develop fibromyalgia within a decade. Poor sleep habits contribute to increased inflammation and a reduction in the ability of the body to manage pain, and can be a factor in developing this chronic pain syndrome.
Intentionally exposing children to contagious diseases is the topic of our article “Parents Dilemma: Pox Party or Vaccination?” Due to a clampdown on chickenpox-laced lollipops, the popularity of “pox parties” has risen and become more popular with parents who do not want to have their children immunized against such diseases, instead believing that the contracting chickenpox, measles, mumps, or rubella is safer in the long term. What do you think about these parties? Would you expose your children intentionally? We’d love to hear your thoughts.
Today’s article, Struggling Economy Likely Culprit for Record Low Birth Rates” seemed to pique a lot of interest, as well as a few snarky comments. In these difficult financial times, it is not only the pocketbook that gets depleted, it is also our population. The cost of having, and raising children, is an expensive one, and many have chosen to postpone or defer having a child or additional children, leading to a three-year decline in the birth rate. Among the statistics released in the CDC report featured: a significant decline in teen births, which marks the lowest rates this country has seen in at least 65 years. (Birth control and sex education are working!  source  healthnews

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