Friday, March 18, 2016

Pre-Pilates Flexibility & Exercises for the Upper Back

What It Is:
A flexible and limber body that is capable of moving in all directions is much less likely to experience any kind of injury. As we discovered in our last installment on upper back strength, we must have proper posture in order to work the strength of the upper back. Posture means length, which in turn means flexibility.
The hunching of the shoulders and the slumping in our seats that we all tend to sink into during the day can cause back pain, headaches, tension and tightness in the back, neck and shoulders. These problems are painful, uncomfortable, and avoidable.
Our Goal:
The following Pre-Pilates upper-back stretches target the upper back, neck, and shoulders. Taking time to do these stretches throughout the day can help increase flexibility and reduce tension and stress. This is also a great way to take a much-needed break so that you can continue your activities with a renewed energy.
Here’s How:
Exercise – Thread the Needle
This first exercise may not be the best one to do in the middle of the day at the office but it is one of the best upper back openers I've found. This would be a great way to start or end your day, or both.
  • Start on all fours. Line your wrists up under the shoulders with your knees lined up under the hips.
  • Lift your right hand slightly and turn the palm up to the ceiling.
  • Now, reach across your body and thread the right arm under the left bent arm.
  • The right arm and right side of the face should rest on the floor
If you have an extremely tight upper back, shoulders and/or neck, rest the head and arm on stacked blankets or a bolster. As you rotate, try to bring the right shoulder under you as you turn the eyes to the ceiling.
  • Feel the shoulder blades stretch away from each other.
  • Hold for twenty to thirty seconds.
  • Gently switch sides.
  • Repeat three to four times.
Exercise – Roll Down at the Wall
  • Stand with your back against the wall with the feet six to eight inches away from the wall.
  • Your feet should be parallel.
  • Soften (bend) the knees a bit.
  • Align your neutral spine against the wall.
  • Try to rest the middle of the sacrum and mid back ( at the bra line) and back of the head against the wall.
  • On an exhale, start with your head and slowly peel the spine away from the wall from top to bottom.  Imagine that your head, arms, shoulders and upper back are filled with sand as you curl forward.
  • It’s okay to bend the knees more to accomplish the roll down,
  • Stop the roll down at the top of the pelvis just before the fingers touch the floor.
  • Imagine that you are hanging over a railing and hold for a few seconds.
  • Keep the upper body and arms heavy and then allow the arms to circle freely at the top of the arm bone.
  • After 5 circles in each direction, inhale and roll back up the wall slowly- one vertebra at a time.
  • When you reach the top, find your anchors and neutral spine.
  • Repeat three to four times..    source   healthnews

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